Extra Easy SP Breakfast Ideas

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Are you tired of the same old breakfast routine? Looking for something that’s both delicious and Slimming World-friendly? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore some extra easy SP breakfast ideas that will kickstart your day with flavor and keep you on track with your healthy eating goals.

But first, let’s talk about what SP means. SP stands for “Speed” and “Protein,” and it’s a special category in the Slimming World plan. These foods are designed to boost your weight loss by focusing on nutrient-dense options that keep you satisfied and energized.

Now, let’s dive into our tasty breakfast options:

extra easy sp breakfast ideas

1. Greek Yogurt Parfait

Start your morning with a creamy and protein-packed Greek yogurt parfait. Layer non-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries, a sprinkle of granola, and a drizzle of honey. The combination of tangy yogurt, sweet fruit, and crunchy granola will leave you satisfied and ready to tackle the day.

Remember to choose plain Greek yogurt without added sugar to keep it SP-friendly. You can also add a dash of cinnamon or vanilla extract for extra flavor.

2. Veggie Omelette

Whip up a colorful veggie omelette using egg whites or whole eggs (counted as your Healthy Extra B choice). Saute bell peppers, spinach, onions, and mushrooms in a non-stick pan. Pour in the beaten eggs and cook until set. Top with a sprinkle of reduced-fat cheese and fresh herbs.

This omelette is not only SP-friendly but also packed with vitamins and minerals from the veggies. Plus, it’s a great way to use up any leftover vegetables in your fridge!

3. Overnight Oats

Prepare a batch of overnight oats the night before, and wake up to a delicious and filling breakfast. Combine rolled oats with unsweetened almond milk, chia seeds, and your favorite fruits (such as sliced bananas or berries). Let it sit in the fridge overnight, and in the morning, you’ll have a creamy, no-cook breakfast ready to go.

Feel free to add a dollop of fat-free yogurt or a drizzle of maple syrup for extra sweetness. The oats provide slow-release energy, while the chia seeds add a boost of protein and fiber.


There you have it – three extra easy SP breakfast ideas to kickstart your day. Whether you’re following the Slimming World plan or simply looking for nutritious options, these breakfasts are sure to satisfy your taste buds and keep you on track toward your health goals.

Remember to enjoy your breakfast mindfully, savoring each bite, and start your day with a smile!